The factors and signs of depression

We’re a care specialist that’s run by people with decades of experience in the field. The carers and support workers here can help individuals with a host of issues, supporting them and family members. Everyone is friendly and reliable too, so services make a great impression. With the right personal assistant, everyone can get the care they need.

Depression can affect people at any age. Elderly individuals in particular can struggle. Getting older comes with new and sometimes distinct changes. They can influence someone’s mental health. It can create feelings of depression, anxiety, and loneliness. Poor mental health could impact physical health too. The result will be a lesser quality of life.

With all of this in mind, it is necessary be aware of depression and look out for signs that someone is struggling. What we are going to do is discuss the factors that contribute to it. Also, we will talk about the signs that an elderly persons is suffering from the condition.


Personal assistantNo specific cause for depression exists because it’s different for every individual. For older people, multiple factors can result in depression. Let’s look at the main ones.

Firstly, new or current health conditions exacerbated by age can result in physical discomfort. Moreover, they can interfere with hobbies and routines, and take emotional tolls. Chronic problems especially can cause fear, frustration, and sadness. Any of these can lead to depression.

If an elderly person is struggling with mobility or health, they might not be able to leave the house. Isolation and loneliness can manifest from losing social relationships and engagements. It can evolve into depression. A personal assistant can be especially good here, providing a friendly face and even helping people get out and about.

Becoming older can also lead to grief from losing friends and family. This can manifest into depression.

Additionally, even some medications can cause depressive symptoms. It is important to consider this fact; it may be worth talking to the doctor about alternatives without such side effects.


As for the signs of depression, it is vital that you keep an eye out for them. Some elderly folk might not even realise there is a problem.

One sign is that they’ve withdrawn from social activities they tend to enjoy. Gaining or losing a substantial amount of weight is another. It could indicate that they are overeating or not getting enough exercise. Expressing worthlessness, hopelessness, and feeling like a burden is also a bad sign.

Unexplained pains and aches could be depression manifesting physically. As we said above, mental health problems can have a real impact on physical health.

Lastly, there is sleep disturbance. Hypersomnia or insomnia can emerge because of depression.

Choose a personal assistant who can help with almost anything

At Diamond Care and Support, we work with people experiencing a host of issues. These are ones relating to age and physical concerns as well as other limitations. Services we offer range from personal care and chaperone service to crisis support. This isn’t an exhaustive list; you can find a service for almost any need.

A personal assistant can be a wonderful asset. So, if we can be of any help, please contact us.