Isolation activity ideas for dementia sufferers

We have been providing a wide array of support services to the public for a long time now. People require help for several reasons. These could relate to their age, cognitive problems, or physical limitations. Whatever the case, we make certain the right personal assistant is there to give you the necessary help.

Personal assistantThe current pandemic has led to many people feeling unsettled to say the least. This is definitely the case for those who must isolate. With dementia sufferers in particular, you must ensure that they have the right support. Failure to do this can lead to them feeling uncomfortable every day. They can also find things incredibly confusing. Many won’t understand why they could not do things normally like before. Luckily, there are some isolation activities you can do with them to make the person feel more comfortable during this difficult time.

Antique hunting

Even though you can’t go to the shops in person, there are still the TV shows. Many of them concentrate on locating interesting objects from years ago. You can use these to jump start conversations. They can be about a favourite item or an earlier era one.


Something else you can try is making a life story scrapbook. Photos are an excellent way of remembering what happened in the past. If there are some photo albums in the house, a great idea would be to look at them together. If suitable, a life story scrapbook could be a valuable activity to partake in. You could end up finding out things that you did not previously know.

Other ideas

There are plenty of other things you can try as well. Cooking together can be a really good idea, especially if there are foods that can inspire good memories. Similarly you could put their favourite music on. Tidying up together can also be really good because it gives the person a sense of purpose. This is especially good if they have always had a clean, nicely presented home.

A personal assistant to help dementia sufferers in isolation

At Diamond Personal Assistants, we can support individuals as well as whole families. This makes us a flexible establishment capable of meeting all kinds of specifications. Even though our clients need care, we see to it that they do as much for themselves as they can. We do this because promoting independence is extremely important to us.

So, if you require a personal assistant, give our team a call today. We offer first rate services and adapt to any needs.