Understanding malnutrition

The services we offer are flexible to ensure we can help anyone who needs support. You may need assistance for a particular reason or several, including disabilities or mobility problems. Our team has the experience to assist you with all kinds of situations. This allows us to provide domiciliary care so that we can look after you in your own home.

Malnutrition is a serious problem

Domiciliary careOne thing you need to be careful with, especially with older people, is malnutrition. This is when your diet does not meet your nutritional requirements. As a result, you don’t get the correct balance of nutrients for your health. Causes of this include bad diet choices, difficulty gaining food, and numerous physical and health conditions.

Undernutrition is one form of malnutrition. It happens when your body does not get enough food. This can result in wasting, low weight, and growth issues. When you don’t have the proper nutrient balance here or simply don’t eat enough, it can have a substantial impact on your health. It is the same when you have a condition preventing your body from receiving a decent balance of nutrients, or have a limited diet. In some instances, this could be life threatening.


In order to stop malnutrition, it is necessary to consume an array of nutrients from all kinds of foods. People with chronic or major illness, young children, and older adults might need extra care here. This is to make sure they do this. A support worker or personal assistant can offer meal plans and help with eating too. They can even go shopping for you.

Anyone who begins to show signs they have malnutrition should go to a doctor to get a diagnosis and treatment. If you are not getting the right nutrients you may be given a proper diet plan, supplements, or other medication. You might have to go to a nutritionist for advice too.

Arranging domiciliary care that can include food prep and more

At Diamond Care and Support, we approach every service to help people while preserving their dignity. To us, everyone has value regardless of their condition. We want them to maintain a happy, healthy, and independent life.

So, if you would like our help with domiciliary care or anything else, feel free to get in touch with us. We can support people with all kinds of needs.