Discussing dysphagia

We provide a wide array of services for clients who want an additional pair of hands. One of our most valuable offerings is domiciliary care. What we do here is assist people from the comfort of their own home. This can be the client or a family member. As a result, there is no need to move to a care home. The person can stay comfortable while we do what they require us to.

One issue that may pop up when caring for someone is dysphagia. This is the medical term for difficulties with swallowing. It takes more effort and time to move liquid or food from your mouth to the stomach when you have this. It can also be linked to pain (odynophagia).

In some instances, swallowing can be impossible. Other dysphagia signs include choking or coughing when drinking or eating. Food coming back up is another. There can also be a sensation that food is jammed in your chest or throat. Or, there can be a persisting drooling of saliva.

The cause

Domiciliary careAs for what causes it, dysphagia tends to be the result of another underlying health problem. An example would be one that influences the nervous system, like dementia or a head injury. Gastro-oesophageal disease or certain types of cancer can cause it as well. It can also happen in children due to a learning or developmental disability. We can help support all of these people with our domiciliary care services.

Even though anyone can be affected by dysphagia, older people are more at risk. Their muscles are weaker when swallowing. Those suffering from neurological disorders also have a higher risk.

The location of the cause will dictate the variant diagnosed. Throat or mouth problems can result in “high” or oropharyngea dysphagia. Complications further down the oesophagus can cause “low” or oesophageal dysphagia.

Treating it

We’ll end by talking about treatments. Treatment here differs according to the cause and type of the swallowing disorder. The severity also factors in.

Treatments can range from straightforward exercises to the insertion of a special tube that opens and stretches the oesophagus. The exercises can aid you in coordinating swallowing muscles. Or, they can help stimulate the nerves responsible for triggering the swallowing reflex.

Furthermore, there are medications that can limit stomach acids or surgical procedures. In the most severe scenarios, you may be recommended a special liquid diet. Or, there could be a feeding tube that bypasses the swallowing mechanism that is not functioning correctly.

Arranging domiciliary care for all needs

At Diamond Care and Support, we are a professional, friendly team that gives you a greater choice for services. Our team has experience with age-related, cognitive, and physical issues. We’ll be able to help people suffering from these problems with daily tasks and their routines. This can include meal prep, cleaning, and much more.

So, for the best domiciliary care service available, contact us. We work across Sunderland and other parts of the North East.