We are a company that supplies a huge array of services for those who need support. This includes the most reliable domiciliary care. The purpose of this service is to help people who require care to remain in their homes. The thing we want the most here is for them to carry on living as normally as they can.
For certain families, a care home can supply their relatives with everything to keep them safe. The staff should constantly support them and ensure they are well looked after. However, the normality and comfort of home care is also important to think about.
Some people automatically view the care home as the superior option. However, it is not the best choice for everyone. Domiciliary care, a service where a carer comes to visit them regularly at home, can offer some important advantages. The primary benefits are that the client receives personal support and can maintain their stability. At the same time, they retain their independence.
The carer’s job
As for what the domiciliary carer does, they visit the individual at their house and support them from there. They shall attend to tasks that need doing all over the property. This includes aiding people with bathing and dressing. Other jobs would be washing up and preparing meals. The individual receiving the help or their family select the hours when the carer will work. They can be there for as long or as little as necessary.
Care at any time
Another critical part of this service is the flexibility in terms of time. No two individuals are the same. Therefore, their specifications shall vary according to the circumstances. Some may prefer help early in the morning while others might have more normal or late hours. This is why care workers like ours keep themselves flexible. Not to mention, it helps them in maintaining a model standard of work. It also builds a great relationship with the people they are caring for.
Talk to us about domiciliary care
At Diamond Personal Assistants, we promote several positive traits with our home care services. These would be inclusion, opportunity, independence, and dignity. Our ultimate goal is to help people preserve their happy and healthy life in their own home and community.
So, if there is anything we can do for you, please let us know.