Exercising with limited mobility

One thing we find with many people who have limited mobility is that they still wish to be active. If your own issues are preventing you from moving as much as you want, don’t worry. There are a lot of exercise options out there, even for those confined to small spaces or chairs. You’re able to keep your body limber and your mind sharp. This will help you keep your spirits high, even when you are less mobile. Let’s talk about what you can do, then if you need a personal assistant to help, you can rely on us.


Personal assistantFirstly, you should know that your chair is your exercise friend. A medical condition, fall, or surgery can limit your standing or moving. Here, you can make your bedroom or living room a personal gym. It is possible to use a sturdy chair possessing firm back support as an exercise tool. It can support you as you do various exercises.

You should also remember the phrase “use it or lose it” here. The longer we put exercise off, the more difficult it is to begin. Our physical abilities will be diminished or lost as well. Thankfully, it is never too late to begin exercising. The same goes for resuming after a lengthy lay-off.

Slow and easy is best

You should go slow and easy here. This is particularly important when starting. Safety and comfort are the top priorities. Should you feel discomfort or pain, stop immediately. You don’t want to injure yourself. Modify movements to suit your own abilities and tolerances. Don’t hesitate to talk with your doctor either to ensure they are happy with your plan; they may advise you to try different things. A personal assistant can help too.

Stretching for added zest

It is beneficial to stretch the legs, back, chest, arms, shoulders, and neck. This loosens stiff joints and amplifies blood circulation. With time, and consistent stretching, you can obtain new freedom of movement as well as a better range of motion. The latter is great for disposing of the ‘rust’ and compression that exists due to a long period of physical inactivity.

A happy buzz

Finally, you should know that exercise releases endorphins. These feel-good chemicals promote sound sleep and lower anxiety. We naturally feel better about ourselves when we are proactive with our well-being and health. Not to mention, regular exercise can boost endurance and energy levels for enjoying other things.

Speak to us to arrange a personal assistant

At Diamond Care and Support, we’re committed to helping everyone feel self-respect and self-worth. We do this in the way we support and talk to you. Every service works for your benefit too. You can decide how often you want someone to come in, how long for, and the things you would like them to do.

With a personal assistant helping you, you’ll still be able to live an ordinary life. So, if there is anything we can do for you, please let us know.