Tackling loneliness in the elderly

Domiciliary careIt is our job to supply a range of top tier support services to those in need. One area we excel in is domiciliary care. This focuses on providing help to the client without them needing to leave their property. For many, it can be a more favourable option than a care home. Plus, the service can provide help to carers who need some assistance too.

One underexposed, but very pertinent problem in elder care is loneliness. It is a serious situation, since it can contribute to depression and anxiety. Not to mention, it is capable of deteriorating our overall wellbeing. Elder isolation can have major detrimental effects on someone’s physical and mental state. As such, it is integral that we can identify and understand signs of loneliness in older people.

This is only part of the work though. It is also necessary to know how to fight loneliness. To help, we have prepared a series of tips you can use.

Connect to people

Firstly, it is best to stay connected, both physically and digitally. This might seem obvious, but social isolation is at the centre of loneliness at old age. Problems like a loss of structure or physical restrictions impact our social contact.

Things don’t have to be this way though, particularly with how connected we can be today. Social media, smartphones, and computers make it easier than ever to connect with others. That being said, the classic methods remain as viable as ever. Organise a family gathering or have friends around for drinks.

Join some groups

Joining groups is another good idea. Elderly loneliness thrives on someone staying isolated. Thankfully, you can overcome this if you join a leisure or community group close to where you live. Regardless of the type of group, you will gain a degree of companionship. Not to mention, there can be a sense of purpose and accomplishment with some groups.

Home care helps

Lastly, home care can help with loneliness. Taking action to combat feeling lonely could be complicated by ongoing mobility and health problems. They can make staying in contact with people outside troublesome.

However, a support worker can provide a massive social factor. The relationship you form is a very personal one. It can offer an invigorating, stimulating form of contact. Plus, their assistance can help with getting out and socialising if it is possible.

Consider domiciliary care with us

At Diamond Care & Support, we work with clients who have cognitive, age-related, and physical conditions. No matter what your situation is, our services will ensure you get the best help. Also, we will be able to ensure you preserve the social aspects of your life.

So, if there is anything about domiciliary care you would like to discuss with us, please get in touch. We can answer questions, offer advice, and tailor a service for you.