Don’t believe the myths you hear about caregiving

Personal assistantDiamond Care & Support provides assistance to individuals who are unable to completely look after themselves. We are able to work with you if you have age-related disabilities and more complicated issues. In addition, we can support primary caregivers and families. We do so by providing a personal assistant who can offer a bespoke service.

Old age is something we just can’t get away from. As we get older, many of us need assistance to do jobs that were once really easy. Home care can be a great benefit here. However, there can be those who feel uncertain about working with in-home caregivers because of certain myths. What we are going to do here is look at some of them and tell you the truth.

Who is it for?

The first myth is that home care is only suitable for people who are incredibly sick. This is a big misconception. In reality, domiciliary care can be medical and non-medical in nature. It is true that caregiving can be advantageous for sick and bedridden people. However, you can also tailor it to every person’s needs. Carers are able to be appointed for specific jobs like household upkeep, meal preparation, and companionship.

We do care

Another myth is that caregivers are untrustworthy and uncaring. There are those who believe that they aren’t sincere when it comes to their work. They think that they are not going to look after the patient compassionately. As experts in the field, we can tell you this is completely false. Don’t allow a few bad stories to cloud your judgement. Our caregivers care deeply, are sincere, and work hard. They serve clients in their own homes because they wish to make a difference.

Choose a personal assistant with confidence

At Diamond Care & Support, it is our belief that everyone has value, regardless of their circumstances. They deserve the right help to ensure they can be happy and healthy. Our method of working allows us to maximise the effect of our support to achieve this.

So, if you would like to work with a personal assistant you can count on, please give us a call. You can tell us all about your needs and we can arrange a full caregiving service.