Having someone to take care of upkeep

Keeping on top of the upkeep of your home can be very time consuming. There are so many little jobs that can all add up to you spending days and days on it. It can be even harder for people as they get older. However, if you arrange domiciliary care you can get some extra support. An assistant can take care of a number of the jobs for you.

What can assistants help with?

Domiciliary careThe different household tasks an assistant can take care of for you is huge. It can include all of the routine jobs that may be difficult or tiring, including dusting, hoovering, cleaning the windows, and laundry. The assistant can visit as often as you need them to so they have enough time to handle all of these jobs.

On top of the routine jobs, assistants can handle many of the things you need to do at different times of the year to keep your home in good condition. For example in spring they can help with things like inspecting the property for signs of damage. After a long cold winter this can be very important. In addition, they can handle spring cleans that involve moving furniture and more.

Summer is a good time for doing things in the garden so you can enjoy the sun on nice days. An assistant can help with many of these tasks too. This could include mowing lawns and more. It may also be worth looking at hiring a gardener.

In autumn a lot of the focus will be on ensuring the property is ready for winter. Again an assistant can help. They can take care of things like clearing away leaves and storing away your garden furniture. You may also want to contact an engineer to check the boiler, thermostat, and radiators.

The harsh weather in winter can mean you need to do more maintenance. Yet again it can be useful to have an assistant. They can help you to monitor the condition of the property and look for any issues with the gutters and roof. They can also ensure you keep your home ventilated so damp and mould does not become an issue.

Arranging domiciliary care

If you do find it harder to stay on top of the upkeep of your home, we would love to help. Our team are caring professionals with lots of experience. We look to make sure people remain comfortable at home so they can remain healthy and independent. A big part of this is taking care of jobs that are too hard or tiring for you. These could be anything from routine cleaning to preparing meals. Whatever you need, we can take care of.

So, if you want flexible domiciliary care that can work for you, please get in touch. We can adapt to any needs and offer ongoing services you can rely on.