Making the home more accessible

We recognise that there are many people out there who need an extra pair of hands. For example, there are elderly people, individuals with disabilities, and families who care for them. It is our job to aid everyone by supplying a reliable personal assistant. The support workers on our team have the training necessary to handle a wide range of tasks, so they can provide the best help.

Personal assistantMore than ever before the elderly want to live independently at home. This is where they are most comfortable and have many great memories. As mobility changes though, many believe their only option is to move to a care home. However, this isn’t necessary in every case. Instead you may be able to can make your home more accessible. A few key new installations can ensure you can still get around safely.

Lift chairs

Consider your favourite seat where you read books and watch TV. Now think about your chair if it had the capacity to recline and help you to stand up again. This is a lift chair. With or without a caregiver’s aid, they can assist with sit-to-stand transitions.


A stairlift has the potential to create molehills out of mountains in your property. Rather than struggle with the stairs, you can have a lift that will take you up safely. You won’t need to potentially give up access to your second or even third storey this way. With a single button, you can move up and down the stairs with no effort.


You can use ramps to offer reliable and safe access for individuals with power chairs, wheelchairs, walkers, and more. You can install them inside for smooth room to room transitions and outside of the home.

Talk to us when you need a personal assistant

At Diamond Care and Support, we offer assistance so that clients are able to remain in their own homes. We have people that are always willing to listen. Whatever it is you need, they will help you with it. In fact, you can create a completely bespoke service just for you. It will give you full control and retain your independence.

So, if you could benefit from a personal assistant, please get in touch with us. We can give you details and arrange a service with you.