Music therapy for dementia

One thing our decades of industry experience has shown is that everyone has unique care needs. Two people could be suffering with the exact same illness but their situation won’t be identical. So, we need to deliver a service that is bespoke. We do this by offering the perfect personal assistant for everyone. They will get to know exactly what you need help with, and more importantly, how to support you in the way that you want.

Personal assistantMusic is something that uplifts and inspires us. It connects us to one another. Also, it links us to ourselves, connecting to positive emotions. It stimulates memory and enhances cognition as well. All these are critical to anyone living with dementia. Studies point towards music triggering emotional memories and encouraging reminiscence. Another thing it can do is help us preserve language and speech. For those wondering how it can specifically help with dementia, that is what we will discuss here.


Music therapy is distinctly flexible. You can tailor it to someone’s particular needs and tastes. Not to mention, it is a very valuable tool, supplying wellbeing and health advantages. Thus, music therapy for dementia has various forms.

Music therapy functions as a cognitively stimulating, emotionally rewarding activity. This is the case whether you are listening to a favourite song or playing an instrument.

Studies into music

Recently, there have been studies looking at the effects music has on dementia. Some conclusions have been remarkable to say the least. For instance, some research has told us that music has the means to light up parts of the brain that other things cannot stimulate. In other words, it is able to literally go where other kinds of therapy can’t.

This isn’t meant to undermine the significance of other therapy strategies. It merely highlights music’s unique power. Moreover, in the case of dementia, it is more than a simple factoid. What we have is a valued tool that addresses dementia’s effects. Music can improve the wellbeing and health of those living with it.

Choose a personal assistant to help dementia sufferers

At Diamond Care and Support, we see everyone as individuals who have your own needs and wishes. You deserve help that will preserve your sense of identity and freedom. This is what we promote. As a result, you will get the support you need and be able to live your best life.

What we do is send the best qualified personal assistant to aid you with your day-to-day life. So, if you need us, please get in touch.