The importance of good dental health

We are a first rate care establishment. Our company provides a collection of high quality services for people who want some support. This is something you may need for one of many reasons, including age, mobility, or medical conditions. Whatever your circumstances, we will use our training in domiciliary care to assist you. The support workers will see to it that you can still enjoy your life but with a little extra help where you require it.

Why is dental care so important?

Domiciliary careWe all learn from an early age that we need to take care of our teeth. Tooth decay happens when the hard enamel that covers your teeth is influenced by the bacteria accumulating on it. You can develop holes called cavities. In these situations, you will need dental treatment.

There is also gum disease. This happens when plaque gathers where your gums meet your teeth. You can catch an infection that harms your gums as well as the tissue and underlying bones. Gum disease symptoms include bleeding, tender, or red gums. If you practice good dental hygiene, it is possible to counter the early gum disease symptoms.

As we get older it is even more important to have good oral health. Issues here could mean problems with eating or taking medication. Both would have a huge impact on health and wellbeing. Amazingly, serious issues can also occur due to gum disease. For example inflammation can lead to heart problems and even stroke. Poor dental health can even cause pneumonia.

What to do?

Elderly people need to brush their teeth twice a day using toothpaste containing fluoride. This shall help to stop tooth decay and gum disease. It is preferable to use a soft or medium toothbrush. When it gets out of shape, replace it for a new one.

The problem here is that as people age, we can lose the dexterity to do a number of different tasks. This can include everyday things like teeth cleaning. It may be wise to choose an electric toothbrush with a flexi-grip to make it easier. It may even work to use a foam tube over the handle to make it wider and easier to hold. There are also lots of other useful oral hygiene aids to try.

In some cases you may need help. You can ask a family member or support worker to assist. Don’t feel embarrassed about it, just remember how important good dental health is.

Ask us about flexible domiciliary care

At Diamond Care and Support, we will help with anything you are struggling with. It could be oral hygiene or simply getting around. Thanks to our services, we can offer support that makes sure you remain in the comfort of your own home.

So, if you require our assistance with domiciliary care, please get in touch. We can deliver the perfect services.